Note: WebGL version may take a while to load depending on your connection (it is 200MB). We highly recommend playing the Windows or Mac builds if possible. And as always, it is experienced best in a dark room with the sound turned up :)

Step inside the shoes of Alexander Blackwood in 'Echoes of an Eldritch Desire,' an immersive first-person puzzle adventure game. The year is 1927, and you've recently received a post-dated letter drawing you back to your late father's estate: The Blackwood Mansion. The letter revealed a dire mission — to save the world from the impending arrival of the Harbinger Comet. As you uncover the twisted secrets of the Blackwood legacy and the events of the Harbinger Comet, you'll traverse between dimensions, decipher cryptic ancestral puzzles, and change the fate of the material plane. But beware, sanity teeters on the precipice, and as you delve into the eldritch unknown, you may find yourself losing more than just your way.


Movement W A S D
Interact, Enagage/Disenagage
Inventory Tab
Zoom In/Out
Scroll wheel
Use Cognisight Lens (once acquired)
HOLD Right Mouse
ESC or P


Martin Byrial
Jordan Neff
Game Designer / Lead Artist
Jadon Mullinex
Character Animator
Night on Mars
SFX / Sound Design
Ayush Katoch
Laksh Kaghav
Props Artist



In a time of celestial intrigue when the world lay under a vast canvas of uncharted stars and cosmic mysteries, that Sir Reginald Blackwood, an apprentice astronomer with a penchant for the cosmos, found himself swept into a breathtaking dance with an otherworldly deity of celestial grace—she was Iridesa. Her presence transcended mortal comprehension, and in her luminous gaze, Sir Reginald discovered a love as profound as the universe itself.

Their encounter was brief but intense, a comet-like blaze of passion that defied reason. However, their love was entwined with the comet's trajectory—a celestial phenomenon that traversed Earth's night sky approximately twice per millennia. This fateful bond meant that as the comet departed, so too did their love, leaving Sir Reginald with a heartache that would shape the course of his destiny.

Haunted by the knowledge that he would never again gaze into Iridesa's radiant eyes, Sir Reginald became consumed by an insatiable desire, an unquenchable yearning. He delved deep into the arcane arts, immersing himself in forbidden knowledge and untold mysteries of the occult. His quest was singular—to find a means by which he could alter the cosmic tides, a method that would shift the comet's path and hasten its return to Earth.


A decade after his initial encounter with Iridesa, that Sir Reginald's arduous journey through occult research bore fruit. He uncovered a ritual, steeped in cosmic significance and shrouded in ancient secrets, capable of manipulating the celestial realms. This ritual would set the comet on an accelerated course, bringing it back across Earth’s sky once again in but a mere 33 years.

With newfound determination, Sir Reginald performed the forbidden ritual. The cosmic fabric responded to his command, and the comet's trajectory was irrevocably altered. But in his pursuit of rekindling the flame of love, he had unwittingly set in motion a chain of cosmic events that would irrevocably alter the world as he knew it.


The year was 1894 when the comet returned, and Sir Reginald, now in his sixties, eagerly anticipated the rekindling of his love. Yet, what he had not foreseen were the catastrophic consequences of his actions. The comet, now closer than ever, cracked open the fragile barriers separating Earth from countless eldritch realms—abysses of chaos and horrors beyond human comprehension.

Cosmic terrors, aberrations of existence, spilled through these rifts, like shadowy tendrils stretching into reality. Desperate to protect his world from the unfathomable horrors that now beset it, Sir Reginald fought relentlessly to seal the rifts, losing himself in the chaos.

In the midst of the battle, a final discovery lay hidden, a revelation that would change the course of the Blackwood legacy forever. Amidst the eldritch horrors, at the culmination of his nightmarish mission, Sir Reginald found a child—a baby, swathed in cosmic energy. The infant's presence was both mysterious and poignant, wrapped in a letter from his beloved Iridesa.

The celestial missive held a solemn charge—to take the child and to bear the weight of ensuring that when the comet passed once more, the altered cosmic tides would be set right. Ashamed of the true reasons for his actions, Sir Reginald shared only part of the story with his son, Alexander. But time would pass, as would Sir Reginald.


Download 224 MB
Download 224 MB
Echoes of an Eldritch Desire MacOS (ARM64).zip 239 MB
Echoes of an Eldritch Desire MacOS (Intel).zip 227 MB

Install instructions

For MacOS.  Double-click on the app to start the game and this will trigger the Apple Gatekeeper functionality. Click OK and the app will close. After this go to System Preferences and under the Privacy tab, you'll now have an option to run the game. 


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Great game! I had a lot of fun during my playthrough, the puzzles were well designed and not too difficult to figure out. I loved the art design, especially when we reached the Eldritch Plains; you did a really good job especially with the 2 week time restriction for the game jam! 

Also the sound design and voice acting for this game was great, it definitely fit the atmosphere perfectly. Congratulations on winning the Overall, Visual and Audio categories!